Soldiers' Settlement Public School P-6

Respect, Responsibility, Learning and Safety

Telephone02 9311 1175

Personalised Reporting

Teachers report against the key learning areas (KLAs) that are addressed within  teaching and learning programs.

A personalised reporting scale is used to report on student progress. Achievements are based on individual learning priorities and measured against the following scale:

  • P4 – Independent: The student can complete a task independently, without assistance. The student maintains the skill or knowledge over time. The student generalises the skill or knowledge to new settings, people or materials.
  • P3 – Frequent: The student relies on partial prompts to complete a task. The student can regularly perform the skill or demonstrate knowledge. The student uses the skills or knowledge in a variety of familiar settings and situations.
  • P2 – Occasional: The student understands information, concept and/or can perform skill. The student often relies on physical or verbal assistance when participating in a task. The student has begun to demonstrate the skills in selected, familiar settings.
  • P1 – Beginning: The student has some existing prior knowledge and/or necessary pre skills for the task. The student is beginning to participate in a task with maximum teacher assistance. The student uses skills and knowledge in a single setting.

Teachers include information on prompting to report on student achievements.

Prompts to assist learning can include full physical, partial physical, verbal, gestural, visual and modelling. Teachers work towards a reduction in the levels of prompting and a reduction of frequency of prompting, where appropriate.

Parent/carers receive schools reports twice per year. A parent/teacher interview accompanies the mid year report.

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