Join our P&C
If you would like to join our P&C, please email us at or click on this link to be taken to our P&C WhatsApp group:
What is the P&C?
P&C stands for Parent and Citizen Committee – this also includes grandparents, guardians and carers of children.
What does the P&C consist of?
It is formed by the parents and citizens of the school.
The executive positions are; President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Uniform Shop Coordinator.
The Principal is also in attendance and provides a report at each meeting.
Most schools have a canteen that is run by the P&C. The canteen at Soldiers' Settlement Public School is NOT a P&C run canteen. This is run by a private company after a tender process and therefore the canteen, the running of it and any issues related to it, do not come under the jurisdiction of the P&C. Please take all enquiries directly to the Principal.
Who holds these positions?
The parents/community members who currently hold these positions are;
Position |
Name |
President |
Vacant |
Vice President |
Vacant |
Secretary |
Jasmin B. |
Treasurer |
Sylvia L. |
Social Media Manager |
Chloe M. |
Uniform Shop Coordinator |
Jasmin B. |
What do you mean currently hold these positions?
Like any committee, these positions are elected annually. Each of these positions will become vacant at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in March each year. Nominations for each position will be called and if more than one is received they will be voted for by those present.
What does the P&C do?
The P&C meets throughout the term to assist the school in their fundraising efforts and in raising the profile of the school in the local community. All funds raised will go back to the school for much needed resources that will benefit all children - including yours. Parents and local citizens come along to the meetings and offer their thoughts and opinions for each item on the agenda. This helps to guide the committee in their activities for the year. The Principal will also offer advice as to what the needs of the school are and will liaise with the teachers to ensure the P&C and the school are working together in a strategic manner and that the P&C has the support of the school staff.
Why do parents need to be involved?
Without parents, the P&C is not able to function. We welcome all parents (Including those at the pre-school) to participate in the P&C meeting. The more parents that come along the easier it is to have all opinions and thoughts canvassed. Do not feel that you have to stand for the executive position to be able to come to the meeting. We need everyone there to vote for whom you want to lead the P&C for the next year.
This is also a very good venue to meet parents of children in other years and to get involved in your child's school. You will have a better idea of how the school runs and to have input into the activities that occur for your children.
When are the meetings held?
Meetings are held 1-3 times throughout the term, usually in the evenings at school with an option to join via phone or online. Meetings are organised via the P&C WhatsApp group.
y child attends Preschool, am I able to attend?
Absolutely! The preschool is an integral part of the school and we welcome all parents to attend.
Will I have a lot of work to do if I attend the meetings?
We will ask for assistance from parents for activities according to what we are doing. If you do not have any spare time, you will not be forced to do anything extra. It is really important to have a large cross section of parents attend so that we can get a broad view of parent opinions. If your involvement can only extend to attending meetings and you do not have the time to do anything more, we will understand that and value your input.
Likewise, if you are not able to attend meetings, and have time at home that you can spare for P&C activities, we welcome your input.
We want as many parents as possible to be involved in the school and its activities.
If you would like to know more, please email the P&C at for further information or click here to join our P&C WhatsApp group:
Thank you.